How an Accounting Background can Translate to a Career in Cybersecurity
Are yo u in awe of people who have made the transition from one career to a completely different one near ly seamlessly? There’s no need to be in awe. These people have been creative in how they approach their career, have likely taken some additional education and have considered how their current knowledge and skills transfer to the career they want. It is possible for many individuals to move from one career to another by using this approach. In fact, a number have made the transition from accounting to cybersecurity this way. What seems like a completely different career path has some beneficial overlap to help make the switch from accounting to cybersecurity easier. Understanding the job market ’s required skills CyberSeek , an interactive data tool that helps support employers, job seekers, students and others interested in closing the gap in cybersecurity job skills, notes that there are a number of accounting and risk analy...